Fashion World

Fashion is need of today's youth, old people and child

Fashion is something away from the common man's approach and where there is no limit to the permutations one can think of in terms of designing. As the individual approach towards change is so regular and the fashionable, in a process, to fulfill the demand of new style goes through a number of fashionable ways .“In Fashion either it's a piece of clothing or an fashion accessory, goes through the same to take the actual shape that is known as "Design Process." Taking an example of a item of clothing as a fashion product, the process includes: encouragement, on the basis of which, atmosphere & Swatch board, Color Palette, Story & Client boards are created. Specifications & Illustrations (the complete collection) are originated in overall, an innovative process.
Finding Inspiration shows the designer's ability to work on the product which gives an overall idea of the assortment to be executed. The exploration of the sources makes the design unique and the reinvention research of the inspiration influences the garment ideas that emerge after the close observation. An inspiration can be found everywhere, whether it is a seashell on a beach or a splendid skyscraper. The reflective glass of a skyscraper might suggest the use of a shimmering modern fabric. The peeling paint of an old beach hut could stimulate to create a look incorporated into a rippled layer. The designer, however, the furthest extremes can explore.
The first stage of organizing the thoughts and collecting images (frame of mind board) enable to channelize the creative excitement towards a cohesive collection. It captures the mood or flavor of the design project, as well as reflects the target customer. The in depth study & close examination of the inspiration stimulates the ideas about colors & textures which influence choice of fabrics. Color palette is selected with the important shades and identifying the harmonious combinations from the inspiration whereas black & white inspiration board focuses more on shapes & textures. Methods such as dying, printing, manipulating the fabrics convert the stimulated ideas into required textures & fall of the garments. At the stage of developing fabrics for Swatch Board, practicalities of achieving the effects hardly matters whereas innovation is highly demanded. Designing a collection is concerned with decisions of taste, choice and sensitivity and relies on the value judgments.

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Fashion is all about individual's state of mind,how he wants to look .just give freedom to yourself what you want to wear being comfortable.

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